import urllib cat = 'J/A+A/415/241/table1' uri = '{}&-out.all'.format(cat) url = urllib.URLopener() filen,msg = url.retrieve(uri,filename='cat.fits') url.close() import pyfits hdus ='cat.fits') hdus table = hdus[1].data hdus[0].header hdus[1].header hdus[1].columns.names hjd = hdus[1].data.field('HJD') vmag = hdus[1].data.field('Vmag') hdus.close() hjd.shape vmag.dtype hjd.ptp() vmag.mean() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(hjd,vmag,'ko') import numpy as np a = np.array([10,20,30,40]) b = np.arange(4) a + b**2 # elementwise operation f = np.ones([3, 4]) # 3 x 4 float array of ones f g = np.zeros([2, 3, 4], dtype=int) # 3 x 4 x 5 int array of zeros i = np.zeros_like(f) # array of zeros with same shape/type as f w = np.arange(12) w.shape = [3, 4] # does not modify the total number of elements w x = np.arange(5) y = x.reshape(5, 1) y = x.reshape(-1, 1) # Same thing but NumPy figures out correct length x = np.linspace(0,1,3) y = np.linspace(0,10,3) np.hstack([x,y]) # shape (6,) np.vstack([x,y]) # shape (2,3) np.column_stack([x,y]) # shape (3,2) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x,y) # 2x shape (3,3) print(xgrid) print(ygrid) x = np.linspace(-20,20,160) y = np.linspace(-20,20,160) x,y = np.meshgrid(x,y) # converts x and y into 2D arrays representing coordinates r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) z = np.cos(r) / (r + 5) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.imshow(z) import scipy.signal df = 0.2 / hjd.ptp() freq_interval = np.arange(6.2, 7.2, df)*2*np.pi vmag = vmag - vmag.mean() hjd = np.array(hjd,float) vmag = np.array(vmag,float) pgram = scipy.signal.lombscargle(hjd,vmag,freq_interval) Ndata = len(hjd) # equivalent to Ndata = hjd.shape[0] norm = np.sqrt(4.0 * pgram / Ndata) freq_interval_cy = freq_interval/(2*np.pi) plt.plot(freq_interval_cy,norm,'k-') freq = freq_interval[np.argmax(pgram)] print(freq/(2*np.pi)) C = np.column_stack([np.sin(freq*hjd), np.cos(freq*hjd)]) X, sumsq, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(C,vmag) amplitude = np.sqrt(X[0]**2 + X[1]**2) phase = np.arctan2(X[1],X[0]) fit = amplitude * np.sin(freq*hjd + phase) phased = 2*np.pi * (hjd % (2*np.pi/freq)) # frequency in rad/s, but time in s! plt.plot(phased,vmag,'ko'); hjd phased x = np.linspace(0,1,11) print(x) index = np.array([0,1,2,3,4]) print(x[index]) index = np.array([0,3,1,4,2]) print(x[index]) x = np.random.uniform(size=5) x index = np.argsort(x) index x[index] x = np.linspace(0,1,11) x index = np.array([True,False,True,True]) x[index] x = np.random.normal(size=5) x is_positive = x > 0 is_positive x[is_positive] sortarray = np.argsort(phased) select = (fit[sortarray] < 0) & (phased[sortarray] < 0.5) plt.plot(phased[sortarray], fit[sortarray], 'r-',lw=2); plt.plot(phased[sortarray][select], fit[sortarray][select], 'b-',lw=4); J = np.column_stack([np.sin(freq*hjd + phase), amplitude * np.cos(freq*hjd + phase)]) cov = sumsq / (Ndata - 2) * np.linalg.inv(, J)) e_amplitude = np.sqrt(cov.diagonal()[0]) e_phase = np.sqrt(cov.diagonal()[1]) print("Amplitude = {:.4f} +/- {:.4f} mag".format(amplitude,e_amplitude)) print("Phase = {:.2f} +/- {:.2f} rad".format(phase,e_phase))